Thursday 8 January 2015

I'm sitting in silence. The sun is loud. I'm clueless. 99.9% 100% of people experience the vexatious existence of creative block. F you. I don't know why we get it and I'm not entirely sure how we're supposed to deal with it. In June 2014, I graduated with a first class honours degree in Photographic Journalism. I've never felt so proud. I always knew the next chapter wouldn't be a walk in the park, I just never imagined how big that park would be, or how long the walk would take.

New Year, new beginnings - as they say. I need new. I moved to Bristol 4 months ago, so Ok, I'm nestling quite nicely in new surroundings - but I think the main dilemma could be something else. I have motivation, I have desire and I certainly have interest. I have ambition. However it's the step, the transition from student to adult that requires a lot more va-va-voom.  I think my 2015 needs a check list. A check list that includes the easy stuff and the challenging stuff. Things I want to achieve, to own, to experience. This isn't a selection of new years resolutions, because that particular label creates a demon. They become impossible.

note to self: stop forgetting to use Hipstamatic.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

When I was a child, we always used to go to the south of France for our summer holiday. I remember one year my parents took a gamble and decided that Italy was the way forward. I think I was 10. Ever since that year, we've gone every year. Without fail. Italy became a second home to me. When I finished my A Levels I went over there for 6 months, to work and to 'find myself'... as troubled teenagers do. I have an unconditional love for Italy and every puzzle piece that creates it. The country is my portal to heaven.

Friday 21 November 2014

Holga + Lomo CN 400

I think there must of been only 1 day out of 21 that we didn't explore the streets of Shanghai when we were over there. There was far too much to see which was marvellous. Everyday, along with at least 2 other cameras in my backpack (at all times) - I carried my best pal Holga, round my neck. I didn't take a great deal of 120 film with me due to cost reasons, so I didn't go completely snap crazy with my Holga - just once or twice a day. Which was painfully difficult. I also had the frame count on 16 rather than 12 so that they'd all overlap. Perfect photos are boring.